Seattle gay bars gogo boys

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Both Queer Bar and The Cuff Complex are owned by Joey Burgess and his husband Murf Hall. 11th Avenue in front of the club will be blocked off to created a large outdoor area for the main shows every day of the festival.Īlso announced, the line-up for Cuff Pride Festival. The party will kick off on Friday, June 24th at Queer Bar, 1518 11th Avenue on Capitol Hill, Seattle’s traditional LGBTQ neighborhood and continue through Pride Sunday, June 26th. Music stars KIM PETRAS, IGGYA AZALEA and PRINCESS NOKIA will all headline the three day festival with an equally impressive line-up of names in support. Queer Bar announced today their ridiculously starry line-up for their 2022 LGBTQ Pride Party celebrations to happen over Pride Weekend in Seattle during the last weekend in June. Iggy Azalea, Kim Petras and Princess Nokia headline Queer Bar’s 2022 Pride Festival

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