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Language: English Words: 9,608 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 39 Bookmarks: 9 Hits: 2072 When this wolf catches up, Bruce will find this wolf is interested in a different kind of 'goody'. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warningsīruce is having a real bad day he's been attacked with his favourite red hoody damaged and he's bleeding in a forest with a werewolf chasing him.Silverwolf666 Fandoms: Gotham (TV), Batman - All Media Types Language: English Words: 5,396 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 2 Comments: 16 Kudos: 203 Bookmarks: 27 Hits: 2374 Part 25 of Jason Todd Rare Pair Challenge Language: English Words: 7,624 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 2 Comments: 7 Kudos: 171 Bookmarks: 24 Hits: 5521 Alfred's an old man, after all, and certainly doesn't mean anything by it.īut then the touches start to grow. And because he likes Alfred's company so much, it's easy to explain away some of the strange touches. The man's calming beta scent is a comfort and a reminder of his parents in a way Bruce's alpha scent isn't. For knockmouth Fandoms: Batman - All Media TypesĪt first, Dick likes spending time alone with Alfred.

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